Saving on bills

"Swith off and save"

Might sound like it's common sense, but it's also completely true, leaving appliances switched on at the wall drains power. Now having lived in a sharehouse, I know the quickest way to tick off your housemates is by turning TVs, DVD players and other frequently used appliances off at the wall. Also in the day and age of plasma screens I can't imagine it's good for the appliance to constantly be turned on/off again. So how can you apply this without having your family/housemates/partner chase you down the road at 7am because you switched off the power to the hot water...? (sorry Mum...that was also me...)

First things first - assess what appliances you have in your house that you don't use on a regular basis. You might have lamps in the lounge, spare bedroom, dining that are rarely used - start with these. Next how about the toaster, the kettle, the washer and the dryer? Is the powerpoint in easy reach? Make those next. Lastly any cd players, amplifiers, other stereo equipment that isn't used daily, switch those off at the point too. By turning off appliances at the wall you can save up to $100 a year in electricity bills!

It's been said many times and if you've ever spent a lot of time with your grandparents, they do it out of second nature. If you're not in the room, switch off the lights. Also by replacing incandescent lights with standard compact fluorescent tubes, you may save up to 75 per cent of your lighting energy dollars. This is especially true for high use areas such as kitchen, lounge and living areas. For more information on saving around the home in the ACT try: